We are happy to announce you that we are using Cloudflare to resolve your CORS issues for non-HTTP sites streamed over HTTPS.
For instance, when you enter the test URL content.jwplatform.com/manifests/vM7nH0Kl.m3u8 at anym3u8player.com, the player streams the video over HTTPS, despite the original link using HTTP.
Currently, our CORS proxy only supports domain names or subdomains without ports, such as content.example.com or example.com/. It does not support URLs with ports or IP addresses, like domain.com:8080 or
Some HTTP M3U8 links:
HTTP M3U8 links donβt work over HTTPS due to browser security measures against mixed content. Now the below examples are working with our website.
If you find our player helpful, please do not hesitate to donate to us on Ko-fi, as the cost of the server and Cloudflare is overwhelming.
Please ensure you have the rights to stream content using our player. We actively remove and ban illegal streaming requests.